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Services For Men

At Élan Med Spa, we have several cosmetic treatments for our female clientele, but we also welcome and have multiple services for men who are interested in rejuvenating their skin or overall appearance.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation with our medical team and find out how our services for men can help you feel better in your own skin.

Why Choose Élan Med Spa?

Receiving cosmetic treatments is not just for women; there are also a variety of ways that men benefit from visiting our med spa. At Élan Med Spa, we understand the unique needs of our male patients, and

our services for men are specifically tailored to create discreet, subtle improvements to rejuvenate your appearance without making it obvious that you have had treatment. For older men who find themselves competing against younger-looking men in the workforce, our men’s services can also refresh your skin and reverse the signs of aging in your face.

What Services for Men Does Élan Med Spa Offer?

Rejuvenating your appearance is not a “one size fits all” procedure, and at Élan Med Spa, we have multiple options depending on your aesthetic goals:

Vascular Laser Treatments. Men who have tiny, red spider veins in their cheeks, along their nose, or elsewhere on the face and body may qualify to have these removed using vascular laser treatments. This technology is safe for the skin and tissues, and restores a healthy, natural appearance.

Neuromodulators. Many men are discovering the benefits of neuromodulator injectable treatments for the subtle relaxation of their wrinkles and lines. Our goal is to ensure professional results that enhance your natural features without ever looking fake or exaggerated.

Dermal Fillers. Also an injectable treatment, dermal fillers are derived from ingredients found naturally in the body and help provide natural-looking volume to areas of the skin that have become loose or saggy with age.

Bellafill®. Bellafill® is the only FDA approved filler for acne scar correction. For men who are ready to treat their moderate to severe acne scarring, Bellafill® can provide quick and long-lasting results.

During your consultation, we will listen to your cosmetic concerns and goals, and recommend a treatment that will most directly benefit you. Contact Élan Med Spa today to schedule a consultation with our medical team and find out how our services for men can help you look and feel better from the inside out.